Personality Traits and Drug Use


Project Introduction

The purpose of this research project was to perform supervised machine learning on a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository to see if we can accurately determine whether a person used illegal drugs based on their personality traits and demographics. The dataset consists of 32 columns and about 1800 rows of data. The particpants provided typical demographic information as part of the dataset, and each participant has a score for 7 separate personality characteristics. In addition, the participants indicated whether or not they have taken 19 different drugs. They indicated whether a drug has been taken baed on the following criteria:

  • CL0 - Never Used
  • CL1 - Used Over a Decage Ago
  • CL2 - Used in Last Decade
  • CL3 - Used in Last Year
  • CL4 - Used in Last Month
  • CL5 - Used in Last Week
  • CL6 - Used in Last Day

The dataset was simplified to allow for better results when performing supervised machine learning models. More information on this topic can be found in the Preprocessing section of the Analysis page.

Personality Characteristics

The dataset has 7 personality measurements including Nscore, Escore, Oscore, Ascore, Cscore, Impulsive and SS.

Nscore = Neuroticism
Escore = Extroversion
Oscore = Openness to Experience
Ascore = Agreeableness
Cscore = Conscientiousness
Impulsive = Impulsiveness
SS = Sensation Seeking

Participant Demographics

The 1800 or so participants provided their Age, Country, Ethnicity, and Education level as seen in the below charts.


Each participant indicated usage of the following drugs as part of the study:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Amphetamines
  3. Amyl Nitrite
  4. Benzodiazepine
  5. Caffeine
  6. Cannabis
  7. Chocolate
  8. Cocaine
  9. Crack
  10. Ecstasy
  11. Heroin
  12. Ketamine
  13. Legal Highs
  14. LSD
  15. Methadone
  16. Mushrooms
  17. Nicotine
  18. Semeron
  19. Volatile Substance Abuse

Refer to the Analysis page for further information regarding the delineation between legal and illegal drugs and whether or not the participant is considered to have used the drug.